
Self Help Quotes for Life Improvement

With the variety of self help books in the market nowadays, you can be helped to improve yourself. There are self help books that help to improve your skills in whatever aspect your want. There are also self help books intended to boost your self-esteem or confidence for you to share yourself to others. There are also self help books that are spiritual in nature. With all these self help materials, you will be able to move on and continue contributing something good and positive to others.

Furthermore, there are also self help quotes for life improvement that you can use for inspiration. These self help quotes can help you to be encouraged always to get something done for the today. With the many sages and philosophers that offer these self help quotes, surely will stand out in whatever aspect of life you are in. However, imbibing all of these self help quotes to boost your eagerness may not all fit to you. With this, you have to choose only what will be enough to keep your inspired through the various self help quotes that you can read. You can either list them or memorize one self help quote every day.

Realizing the importance of these self help quotes, many people are using them not only to be inspired but also to start changing themselves for the better. Such role of self help quotes has become popular because of the following reasons:

1. It reaches many people. Due to the practical lessons these self help quotes offer, they are applicable in the significant human experiences. In fact, you can use them as your guide to relate better to others as well as to yourself.

2. Self help quotes talk. Since it relates to the significant human experiences, these self help quotes can talk to us by providing important reminders on how to deal with ourselves and to others. It also reminds us on how to deal with our work in relation to others.

3. It is one of the fountains of inspiration. With the many problems we encounter day by day, these self help quotes help us to be calm and remind us of the better options that we can take. Thus, it lifts us up from the many problems we experience and encourages us to move on.

4. It boosts self-esteem. Self help quotes can also be self-esteem help. With the many experiences that discourage us, self-esteem help quotes can help us to be reminded that we have to think always of the positive side of life and negate the failures of the past.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6108398

Living in The Present - A Lesson in Letting Go

There is an ancient story I really like about two Buddhist monks who are walking along a river in silence. They have taken a vow of chastity and can never speak to, or even touch a woman.
As they walk along the river, they see a woman who is desperately trying to get across the river to her child who is on the other side.

It is a fast-flowing river and she is too frightened to cross the river by herself.
One monk walks over to her and says, "May I help you?" He then picks her up and with the strength that he carries in his legs that walk mountains and valleys and streams as part of his daily work, he carries her across the river, sets her down by her child, then returns to join the other monk and they continue to walk up the river in silence again.

About two hours later the second monk eventually says to the first monk, "I can't believe you spoke to that woman and carried her across the river." "I can't believe you touched her." "I can't believe that you broke your vows."

The first monk simply looks at his companion and says, "I put her down two hours ago. You are still carrying her."

There is such a great lesson in this story about learning how we so often carry our problems around with us long after we should have just let them go or "put them down."
We are all guilty of living in the past and focusing on what happened yesterday instead of living in the present and enjoying the moment.

Today try to think of what you are still carrying around that really isn't happening anymore.
What are you still hanging on to that isn't in your present moment?

It could be anger from an argument you had yesterday, you could still be hurting over a broken relationship, or it could be the pain you are still feeling over the loss of a loved one.
Learn to put it down.

Release it and let go of it forever.

Only when you have put down what you are still carrying around, will you have your hands, your heart and your mind free to pick up what's new, here and waiting for you now.

Sometimes you have to learn to let go of the old to make room for new things that are waiting to come into your life.

Try learning to let go today, start living in the present and see how your life changes tomorrow.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7202727



bannerJSS Tripler is a sub program of the Online Business Program Justbeenpaid main
(JBP), founded by an Internet Marketer Famous: FREDERICK MANN
JustBeenPaid an Online Business that has stood since 2004 and is increasingly popular around the world including Indonesia since February 17, 2011 with the launch of a sub program called Just Been Paid latest JSS Tripler. Increased member Just Been Paid to exist and the more because konistenya pays its members.

7 Steps to Succeed in JSS-Tripler

-Register (Free Member)
-Upgrade Member (optional)
-Buying Position (Stock)
-Follow-up Promotion & Offline or Online
-Establish good communication and relationships. One of them by utilizing the facebook group
-Withdrawal (Pull Gain)

The programs of justbeenpaid
1. JSS-Tripler (Earn 2% per day)
2. JSS-Warp
3. JSS-booster
4. JBP's Sinergy Surf (JSS-Matrix)
5. JSS-Test Drive System (TDS)

* Income that will get the JSS is to follow the number of positions purchased:
The purchase price is $ 10 one position
Example calculations are:
If you buy: 1 position ($ 10) x 2% = $ 0.2 X75 days = $ 15 (150%)
: 4 position ($ 40) x 2% = $ 0.8 X75 days = $ 60
: 12 positions ($ 120) x 2% = $ 2.4 X75 days = $ 160

How much profit you earn?? Depending on how you buy position
Buy a position worth $ 10 = Your Profit $ 0.2 per day
Buy 10 positions valued at $ 100 = Your Profit $ 2 per day
Buy 100 positions valued at $ 1000 = Profit of $ 20 per day
Buy 1000 position worth $ 10,000 Your Profit = $ 200 per day

After buying position, you will Profit updated every day for 75 days in the member area Tripler JSS Financial menu.

Invest a minimum of $ 10 per 1 position.
Ideally invest over $ 520 (Perhaps more)

example: $ 520 = 52 x $ 0.2 = position of $ 10.4 per day
- You can buy the position every day of the earnings of 2% (compound)
Buy a position every day until 40 days, then the number of your positions to 112 positions on day 40.
- 112 positions x $ 0.2 = 4.22 $ / day
- On the day of the 41 s / d 75 days = 35 days, you just get together and withdrawal to Alertpay or Liberty Reserve.
Results obtained are:
$ 22.4 x 35 days = $ 784, Capital + Profit achieved in 75 days, although the first position 52 (expired), you still have 60 active positions, do not have to reinvest, in 76 days to start buying back the position to 40 days, in day to 41 s / d 75 days in the gathering and the withdrawal again. while waiting for the matrix cycle, follow this strategy, you will get a profit every period.

* Referral Commission / Bonus Links
- Level 1: 10% of any new positions that occur at level 1
- Level 2: 5% of every new position that occurs at level 2
- Level 3 and so no Referral Commission.

If you want to follow the Tripler JSS program, then you need to register first on the main program Just Been Paid.
Please Register Free first so you better understand this concept of Online Business. Follow the Guide Sign JSS Tripler

Differences Free Member and Member Upgrades are:
- Free members total profit = 150%
- Upgarde member total profit by 300% (150% + tripler JSS JSS Synergy Surf / JSS-matrix 150%)

A. Free Member (SURE 150% Profit)

The purpose of the Free Member Member JSS Tripler here is not to upgrade ($ 15/3bulan) in the main program JustBeenPaid (JBP).
Once you sign in JustBeenPaid before, then automatically you are already a Free Member at Tripler JSS. Although as a Free Member, but you can get a profit by buying positions (stocks) at Tripler JSS. Price 1 Position / Share = $ 10. You can buy how many positions you want. (Maximum purchase 250 positions per 60 minutes or up to 500 positions per day)

Each position you buy MUST earn 2% per day Profit per hour 6 pm for 75 days (including Saturday and Sunday). The final result SURE 2% total profit = 150% x 75hari
On day-81, position you are buying is ripe / mature / charred, no longer generate profit. You can re-purchase position of the money you earn profit was 150% in order to increase your income every day. But remember, you do not have to wait until the period of 81 days to be able to buy more positions.

Examples of 150% Profit:
You buy the 4 position of the position x = 4 = $ 40 $ 10
Each day you will get a profit of 2% of each position you have = $ 10 x 2% = $ 0.2
Total Profit 4 positions = $ 0.2 x 4 positions = $ 0.8 per day for 81 days = $ 60 on a day-to-81
It seems less attractive it is, because with $ 40 just to profit $ 60 after 81 days.

Eits wait! Remember, there are compounding here. You can re-purchase position using earnings. Each collected $ 10 in balance, use it to buy a new position. I demonstrated again, say you purchase 20 positions valued at $ 200, then every day you will get $ 4. Well, the day-to-3 alone there are $ 12 at Tripler JSS your balance, then you can use $ 10 of it to buy a new position (the remaining $ 2). So the sheer number of your positions to 21 positions and the day-to-4 daily commission was increased to $ 4.2. You can do so on until the compounding is considered sufficient (up to you, but do not forget to withdraw should not continue compounding ....... hehe)

* There is no minimum limit position. You can prove the profit of each position you purchase, and prove by looking at the development of your profit every day, and you can enhance your buying position of tens, hundreds or even thousands of positions.

2. Upgrade Member (Up to 150% Profit)
Our advice ......! JSS triple focus on it more important to profit 2% per day, slowly but surely bonus JSS-Matrix will follow along with the mature / expires every position you buy
In addition to getting 150% profit as a Free Member, you can get additional 150% profit if you upgrade your membership in JustBeenPaid, the parent of the JSS program Tripler sub for $ 15 for 3 months or a monthly fee of $ 5
For Upgrade Member for each of four positions you have had 81 days / mature / mature / charred, then you are entitled to a position matrix in Just Been Paid (JBP) and if it is cycles (2x2) you will get $ 60 (150%) .

Examples of additional 150% profit if you upgrade:
- When the 4 position (at once / one by one) in jsstripler you can instantly expired bonus 1 position matrix
- Matrix Cyle provided will be prioritized first Dulan or get spillover
- Travel time cycle (2x2) can be quickly and rebates $ 60

buy 4 at a time position will be a position in the JSS-Matrix
buy 8 position also will be two positions in the JSS-Matrix

You have 4 positions JSS Tripler with a value of $ 40 (your first deposit), then you will get profit 150% for $ 60 (as calculated above), then for every 4 position you were already mature / mature / charred, it will automatically change (of course if you upgrade) to a position in the matrix JBP
Once the matrix is ​​fully charged (6 position matrix) is called a cycle and you profit another $ 60 (150%). Matrix will cycler and set automatically by the system, and the only position in which the purchase JSS Tripler after upgrade at JBP is projected to cycler, to purchase a position in the JSS Tripler before the upgrade in the JBP is not projected to cycler.

With a mean of $ 40 so that you invest in JSS Tripler, the overall total that you will get later is $ 120 (3 x Fold of your Initial Investment). This is why the program is called JSS Tripler (Capital investment will be 3x as much in 75 days). The above examples are only predicted if you buy the 4 position aja. What if you buy more than 4 positions. Have your own calculations.

150% in JSS in JBP + 150% = 300%
Income 300% just what you get if you upgrade member at JBP, otherwise you will only earn 150% profit as a free member
Do not Think Too long, because while you still continue to think the people who have bought a position in the JSS Tripler, will continue to make $ every day ...

"GET ACTION FROM NOW & Start Earning"


In conclusion:
1. Minimum investment of $ 10 only.
2. Position of each investment period is only 75 days (including Saturday and Sunday)
3. Profit is not affected by fluktuatifnya profit company, you STILL Profit 2% per day.
4. Your profit will be updated in the member's area every day at 18:00 pm
5. Total profit for 81 days 150% for free members, and who want to upgrade to get profit 300%
6. You can buy a position whenever you want without waiting for the day-to-81
7. Daily Profit is what you get can be directly used to buy a new position (compound) without having to wait for days to-81.
8. To maximize your income, do compounding (reinvest / buy the new position of profit) each get a $ 10 profit.
9. You can draw / withdrawal of your income at any time if it has a $ 20 minimum and maximum process 3x24jam
10. Should not seek referral / downline. if you can find referrals better, as a bonus rather Level 1 = 10%, Level 2 = 5% of every purchase of the position of the referral.
And you will get a bonus $ 5 for level 1, $ 2.5 for each matrix level 2 for your member-owned 2 level deep cycle in the matrix postions in Synergy Surf JSS (JSS-Matrix). This bonus applies to members who upgrade.

JSS Tripler Review

bannerWhat´s the buzz about JSS Triper - Jss Tripler review.

During economical crisis a lot of online marketers have started to look for online marketing businesses that offer safe investments and earn daily revenue. Overall is is a smart way to act to be cautious when looking to invest your hard earned money in online marketing business. On the other hand, the investment programs are popular because these do not require recruiting other people in order to earn money - yes, the recruiting skills are quite hard to learn.

In this review we will take an in-depth look at one network marketing program called JSS Tripler that is offering an opportunity to earn profit totally passively without recruiting or sponsoring anybody.

What is JSS Tripler?

JSS Tripler is a network marketing business that launched in February 2011 as a part of it´s mother program JustBeenPaid. We have to keep in mind that Tripler is NOT a HYIP program - in fact it is an advertising program that pays daily revenues to it´s members who purchase ad positions.

The "JSS" is an abbreviation of JustBeenPaid Synergy Surf, this means JSS Tripler is a surf program. Surf programs have been around a long time and they basically offer members passive revenue for clicking other members ads, so the concept of Tripler is nothing new.

Big Question is: How has JSS Tripler become so popular? It´s worldwide Alexa rank right now is 1791 - this is a sign of huge reputation. One answer may be: JSS Tripler has delivered what it has promised - the safe and lucrative investment without sponsoring requirements.

This is also the reason similar programs have been started to pop up like mushrooms after rain, but none of them has achieved such popularity yet. The other answer: There are millions of people who are looking for ways to make money online but have not learned online marketing skills. Then it is natural that they prefer a program that promises safe way to grow the investment.

How to make money with JSS Tripler?

As the pay plan of JSS Tripler says, the members will earn 2% a day for 75 days per every $10 position purchased. Then the position will mature and earn a total of $15. For every 4 Tripler position a member will earn a free position worth $20 in JSS 2×2 matrix and when the matrix cycles (has 6 positions below it) then the member earns $60. This is how the money is tripled - initial investment to buy 4 positions is $40, earnings from 2% a day are $60 and earnings from 2×2 matrix are $60 - total of $120.

It seems to be quite easy to earn 150% revenue in 75 days with this business, only it is a little bit harder to actually triple the money because not all positions in 2×2 matrix will not cycle. The solution to this is to refer other members to JSS Tripler as their positions will be placed below referrer´s positions in 2×2 matrix.

The final thoughts to this review: Tripler is a good business if you are interested in making money while playing safe. We can estimate that this program will be around for long time because the admins have learnt from mistakes of admins of other similar programs to improve the longevity of Tripler. This program is a good place to "test waters" before jumping into the big online business.

Thanks for reading this JSS Tripler review, and you can Start NOW !

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6579252


How to Use the Law of Attraction For Abundance and Prosperity

Every day, people learn to use the Law of Attraction for wealth and prosperity. With this single act, you can drag the circumstances and people that will benefit your life. The universal laws have been used for hundreds of years by many great philosophers and leaders of this country. This was never a secret, it's just never been exposed to the public.

I'll tell you more about the Law of Attraction and how to use it to improve any situation in your life. Create wealth and prosperity is one of the deepest desires of every human being. By nature we are born to be rich and have unlimited abundance. If LED is people in poverty is a mindset. If you turn on the TV and hears the news is all about terrorism, violence and all the terrible things that happen in this world. By feeding this into our subconscious, we tend to fear that, if there is no hope for the future.

Riches come to you to change your mindset when it comes to money. There are a lot of negative statements that people have when it comes to dollar to use. The most common, and I'm sure you've heard it, "Money is the root of all evil". If you accept an assertion as true, was what you actually put in your head not to get rich. You have to change that statement to something more constructive like "I use the money wisely and have a lot."

All I can think of is the value of your wishes. We are what we think. Ensure good idea of the wealth, so that they can manifest in your life. The law of attraction to your opinion towards more positive energy is necessary to set in order to create wealth and abundance.
Click Here!  Unlimited Abundance

The Tao of Badass Review

This program is called The Tao of Badass Josh Pellicer, and the question is, can this program work for you? After reviewing the course, I would certainly say yes. If you have problems with women or are not satisfied with the quality or quantity of the women you have in your life, you owe it to yourself to do something.

It is a quick way to his criticism and Tao Badass after you finish reading, you will know if it going a bit, but will be. The show can begin.

First, this book is to read super easy. This is not complicated, confused and laced with jargon. It is simple and straightforward. As you know, most books have a chapter or two, the rest is filler - this is not the case. All 10 chapters are significant and play an important role, you are good with women.

It's funny because Tao Badass is not only be successful with women, but in other areas of his life and successful. If you are able to strengthen, and improve your confidence, your attitude towards life, you will see more benefits than just a hot girl to wake up a few times a week. I mean, is large with more women in your bed ... I'm just saying that you have more than you bargain.

Chapter 2 is absolutely brilliant. Josh talks about gender roles, and for me it was one of the chapters very informative and enlightening. Read at the end, I read it. From there I started thinking about all my experiences and how gender roles and power are critical. A role that I never paid attention to date. If you invest in this book, and decide to improve, see Chapter 2, a few times - it's worth it.

Too many meetings and gurus who claim they know what they sit down and say, "just be confident." Nobody takes the time to explain what is trust, how is it formed, and how confident we are in a man. Pellicer Broken Trust in a simple way'll leave you with nothing in your mind, but "that makes sense." And that's a good thing, that's exactly what this book is going on. The difference between having and not having confidence is day and night. Be careful here.

Now in contrast to "be yourself" approach offers Badass The Tao of a system for you. Each phase of the system involves several steps. There is no getting lost here. Each piece has its purpose and there are great explanations for why people have difficulties in each location. For example, why it is not even qualified, even if you think it's in you. They have many "a-ha" moments ... This is a good thing.

With confidence, to attract women has a lot to do with body language. In other words, how you project yourself. You will soon discover how to position themselves for maximum appeal. And it's no joke. Approach to a confident manner with plenty of attitude and slow movement is a powerful voice, you deserve much better results than the approach in a closed and quiet.

The only real disadvantage to Josh Pellicers The Tao is the Badass that it does not touch of humor. Humor is an important part of the puzzle when it is to meet new guys and women's. It does not matter if only 5% of the humor he has. The remaining 95% will be given to you. It's more than enough to be wildly successful with girls.
Click Here! For The Tao Of Badass - Dating Advice For Men - (view mobile)

Tips to Overcome Panic Attacks - End Anxiety Naturally

An example

Nancy has recently suffered his first panic attack and had all the classic symptoms: palpitations, sweaty palms, chest pains, dizziness and disorientation due to hyperventilation. She felt like she was having a heart attack. She found that it was not life threatening and life began to fear. She felt powerless to overcome panic attacks and soon refused to leave his house. If only she knew what to do immediately.


Stress can cause anxiety, leading to a panic attack. The first thing to do is to reduce the amount of stress you have on a daily basis. We all need to take some time for ourselves. That may be a bit selfish, but we need the world every minute of our waking hours. In order to overcome panic attacks, are getting a little selfish and take at least an hour to relax for yourself, meditate, yoga walk, walk, or whatever you enjoy the relaxation.


This may seem unimportant, but the diet may play a role in controlling anxiety. Through healthy diet and plenty of B vitamins that also help reduce stress. Those who suffer from low in B vitamins often suffer from symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Training The Subconscious

Another way to overcome panic attacks, is again train the subconscious mind. Feelings of anxiety and panic attacks from the unconscious, which developed the flight mechanism to protect us from dangers, like come will trigger followed by a wild animal or vicious dog on the street. This part of the mind for some reason is getting and making false statements, to anxiety and panic attacks.

To return to train the mind to remember your last episode back. You see this episode on a conscious level, knowing that this is a reminder that nothing bad can happen. When you reach the part where the attack happens, change the scenario. Imagine the feeling of the next attack, but it never happened. They went out and got trampled in the day. Practice breathing exercises when you feel anxious. This will focus you something. Keep a positive attitude.

There are subliminal tapes and CDs (multi-item set) available to help overcome panic attacks. Some people do not believe that there is the subconscious, but it works. These subliminal messages to work, by going directly to the unconscious. You hear nothing but the subconscious hears every word. Positive affirmations are used. Listen to them while you sleep. Nature sounds or soothing music are you into sleep. Use them well during meditation, but never while driving. Click Here!

The 11 Forgotten Laws Review

Several years ago I saw the movie "The Secret" and was fascinated by the law of attraction, but after a short time to try to work with the concept, I gave up quickly. It was not just work for me.

Many people have probably had the same experience with the law of attraction and have become quite cynical about the process. After a few years to continue the search for the good life of health, wealth and happiness, and turning with empty hands, I saw "The Secret" back to Netflix.

Frankly, it was perhaps even more interesting the second time I saw him because of all the experiences I had over the years between. But after turning off the television, the concept was intriguing from the law of attraction on me.

I started looking on the Internet, looking for something that would better explain what I saw in the film. Somehow, the film seems incomplete. Soon I came across a video and a link to "The 11 Forgotten Laws." To the program

Now, the landing page seemed a little slippery, and I consider myself to be used to make a smart consumer. But I read some reviews and I liked the 90 day money-back guarantee, so I went ahead and bought it. And what I found life was changed.

I sat there and I heard the sound for six hours straight. I was in the information, information that is more like common sense, and yet no one ever taught seems tarnished. What I have found is that the law of attraction is just the tip of the iceberg. There are manifest many other factors that your dreams.

Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey, a stellar program that used to be necessary to alter your perception and help you start changing your thoughts about life.

To change after a few days what my life began, as I began to change. I could see my thoughts are intensely negative to very positive. There was a whole new world and a whole new life, I never expected or experienced. Most of my life I had been wrapped in fear, doubt and uncertainty. Suddenly I was doing things I had turned off a new business, revitalizing relationships.

Needless to say, the 11 laws were forgotten, one of the best purchases I've ever made. If you all are curious, you Should Check And  Check Here.